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Everyone wondered

On The Road Again

"And I'm a cowboy on a steel horse I ride I'm wanted..." Silence apart from the engine "Jon you were meant to say wanttteedddd" "Wanted" "Your no fun" We had just left Hastings and were heading North progress has been slow due to the winding route we had to take to get past pile up's of cars

Dead or Alive finished and Everytime by Yashin came on much to Jon's relief he had lost the coin toss to choose the music

We were currently heading through a large field all around us were dead sheep that had been torn apart by the undead blood had soaked and dried into the grass

The ride was bumpy as hell but Stan had assured us that the Jeep would not break down the under carriage had been reinforced they had totally dismantled the engine cleaned checked and repaired it all done by the Royal Engineers so we felt completely safe from breakdown

The original wind screen and window glass had been replaced with thick security glass and the parts that held it in place were reinforced with steel

The tyres had been replaced with runflats and the cars shell had been reinforced not that we had needed it so far we had only run into small groups of the dead that were easily avoided

We contacted Toby and the other's an hour ago they were all fine and excited to here about another group of survivors they suggested moving now but we decided it against it if we were going to move we would do it together just in case.

I looked down at the large brown envolope Stan had given me before we left it contained various bits of information what would be expected of me and Jon if we decided to continue on in this roles as Ghost's as Kane had called it, maps of the country showing overrun areas almost every where there was a major city was now a dead zone

The part that made the most interesting reading was the studies they had been doing on the undead

The 20 or so pages were stamped Sensitive in red ink and me and Jon had been forced to sighn a declaration that we would not reveal these details to anyone or how they had attempted to recruit us

I opened up the file it had been heavily redacted apparatnly we were not trusted that much all that remained in any length was the conclusions.

5th MAR 2013 Subject No: 1 SEX: M Height: 165CM Weight: 15 Stone AGE: Mid to late 30's

I can conclude the following about the undead.

All attempts to anesthetize calm or reason with the undead appear fruitless.

All known toxins and poisons to humans tested so far have no effect on the subject's.

After submerging the subject in a tank of sterile water for 48 hours the subject was removed and was still "alive" the undead appear to not need oxygen.

The spreading of the virus stems from the mouth in it's saliva making a bite a quick way to infect other's.

Immediate amputation of a limb that has been bitten must take place with in 1min of the bite wound even then this is not 100% guaranteed to prevent infection.

During the 3 month's these tests were carried out the subject was starved and does not seem to be suffering any ill effects of it.

Subject 1 status: Terminated

Report filed: Dr (Redacted)

The next section of the report was on another subject this was also heavily redacted apart from the conclusion's.

20th MAR Subject:2 SEX: F HEIGHT: 150cm WEIGHT: 8 Stone AGE: 28

(Redacted) Infected by subject 1 in a handling error volounteered for experimentation concent form attached.

After the initial bite subject's will suffer a high fever confusion swelling and redness of the bite area but bleeding stop's quickly

Numbness in the extremities confusion and agression followed by death no treatment has proved effective so far

From death to reanimation the time varies any where from 10mins  to 4 hours mitigating factors are thought to include location of bite weight height and temprature.

Addition: People are turning with out being bitten it appears we are all infected and when we die either naturally or unnaturaly we all reaniate but with out a bite this process can take any where from 6 to 24 hours Note: Information provided by survivors not yet confirmed further investigation required.

Subject 2 status: Terminated

Report Filed: Dr (Redacted)

13 MAR SUBJECT:3 SEX: M HEIGHT: 170cm WEIGHT: 11 Stone AGE: Late 50's

The undead have proved ver difficult to kill, whilst disabling the limbs will slow them it will not kill them they will not die from blood loss.

Traumatic damage to the torso has minimal effect apart from slwing movement

Choking or manual strangulation of the undead ineffective and not reccomended

Fire has proven effective to a point but they have no fear of it  they will gladly walk through fire to get to a meal

Electricity seems to affect the undead similar to humans causing muscles to spasm uncontrolably but lacks a killing factor.

Severing of the head is effective but the head is still capable of biting and must be dispatched by destorying the brain

After a week of tests the only way to reliably destroy the dead appears to be massive damage to the brain.

Subject Status: Terminated

Report Filed: Dr (Redacted)

The final conclusion page was all that was left

Study's of the undeads eatin habit's have been carried out along with how animals react to the creature's

27 MAR SUBJECT: 4 SEX: M HEIGHT: 190cm WEIGHT: 15 Stone AGE: Late 20's to early 30's

The undead will consume any living meat be it cat dog deer or cow but will always prefer human volounteer sample provided by (Redacted)

Animals show no interest in eating undead flesh a dog was force fed a small piece of undead flesh and expired with in 20mins

All animals show an instinctive fear of the undead prefering to run rather than face them

A dog was allowed to be bitten by subject 4 the dog had similar symptoms to a bitten human and died with in the hour no reanimation.

Study's of bacteria eating at the undead flesh has yielded startling resuilts

There are none

Normally a dead body would be broken down quickly due to the immune system not being active to protect it, itis quite possible that it could take decades before they simply disintegrate.

Subject Status: Terminated by Agent Crow unexpectadly

Report Filed: Dr (Redacted)

I put the files down "I'm in here you know" Jon looked over at the file "Crow?" "What did you choose?" "Bear" "Because your big and grumpy?" "You chose Crow  because of your skinny legs?" We both laughed.


We were a third of the way to the trapped survivors we had called in our position to Kane he was not happy with our progress "You need to move quicker" "You don't like it you fucking drive" Jon shouted back at the radio after listening to my music all day he was not in the best of mood's "How dare you speak to me like that" "What are you gonna do about it? You going to come get us?" "Just get there Kane out" The radio went to static "Bringing good will to yet another boss I see how did you never get that customer services job?" Jon chuckled "What do you think this a good place to stop?" We had arrived at a small farm that seemed clear of undead there was a large corrugated steel barn next to a small single storey farm house the door's to the barn were open Jon slowly drove in

Cow's or sheep had been in here at one point the place stank of manure and pens were set up Jon turned us around so we faced the entrance I cautiously got out and shut the barn door's and climbed back in

We had a dinner in the back of the Jeep we opened the sun roof to let the smoke out from the small stove we used to cook the mre's meatballs in pasta suprisingly good and a few energy bar's

I went to sleep as Jon took 1st watch we swapped at 3am.


I opened up the barn door's and Jon drove the Jeep out I looked over at the farm house and wondered if it would be worth looking inside for supplies I dismissed the idea we had everything we needed no sense in risking it as I was about to get in "Did you see that?" Jon asked "See what?" I climbed back in and shut the door "The curtain moved" "Oh really go look then you are seeing things if people were here they would have come out to say hi or yell at us or try to kill us" "They could be scared I'm gonna go look" I sighed and we both got out the car and wandered over to the house

Jon walked to the front window amd looked in I headed for the front door and knocked "Hello were alive and don't want to eat you honest but if you want to eat us then feel free to stay inside" Their was a bang against the door "Jon" I whispered he came over the bang came again "Can you hear me we don't want to hurt you we can take you some where safe" Then that horrible moan came from inside "Oh never mind then see you later" Dissapointed we headed back to the Jeep we climbed in checking the back 1st of course I have seen enough movies to know that they always climb in when you are not looking not this time though

Jon put his music on and we headed North












